samedi, mai 18, 2013

"Inside Job" with an economist driving me through

I did wait a long time I confess to watch that movie (you can check their facebook page too), problem is, I could probably not understand it as best as I did a couple of days ago if I did not watch it with my wife. Inside Job is "how we fucked up for the 6th time but this time it really hurt people" and "by the way we didn't get hurt so we might do it again". The way the famous top 1% is so far away from reality that they feel they are above the law, and it would not be normal otherwise. It's game of throne all over, except you reign over people's wallet (so you reign over them too) but nobody knows you're the King until you hit the news for fraud (or major economic breakdown). Inside job is a good documentary that tells you you should not entrust anyone with your money if you cannot see physically where you apply it. I found the movie to be a sequel of "Bowling for Columbine" in the way events where depicted and how they interviewed their guests. Don't be fooled though, it is a documentary, with a message in mind. They did the movie edition to keep their message all through the documentary so it's as powerful as you want it to be. What I gained from this documentary is that I need to know more of economics and finances in general so that I don't get hurt and that I need to document myself more about this crisis to understand what really happened. There is the romanticised version of the crisis HBO film "Too Big To Fail" where you can see more of it and temper the documentary. One big missing element on "inside job": the absence of Paul Krugman and his position on the crisis. Or (and I need to thank my wife for driving me through) on the contrary the documentary was completely following Krugman's line of thoughts.

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