jeudi, septembre 20, 2012

Middle East: Machiavelli applied

Reigning over confusion:
Today we were discussing over breakfast with some colleagues about this bad quality Youtube upload that created rage over some Muslim countries. It appeared to us that, when looking at the comments that were published on the internet, it seemed more than just some isolated point of view for some brainless US citizen comfortably hiding in some Californian government house. The actors starting to talk about how the casting was made and the "movie" shot let you think that the intention was to create revolts in Muslims regions. Especially in countries like Libya or Syria where the American popularity was increasing greatly (the Libyan revolution was not helped directly by US troops, only by advising so the feeling of revolution ownership was kept by the Libyans and westerners really considered as support-only). Hence it really looks like that Youtube upload came at a good time to reverse the positive feeling of that Muslim community towards americans. You can even start to fantasize about the "movie" been founded by fundamentalists to hit on american's initiatives...

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