jeudi, janvier 22, 2009

This week is quite of a strange week, out of the fact that the shower rain are so chirurgical it looks like a succesful US airborne operation (which has never happened in history, some of the cities of my country are living proofs), a very particular baby was born last sunday.
That baby is a canadian-angolan baby, which looks ok sofar. The dad never thought he could have babies because he was considered as sterile, but african women are very fertile ladies, so that did help. That stroke him of such a surprise that he decided to keep the baby, recognise it and actually raise him as his own. He has a familly in France (I wont say why, nor how it happens, I might come to that part one day, but that is a different story)but the pregnency had him realise where his inerests were and decided to come down here to live with the woman that enfanted his son (because it is a son...). So sunday night was a funny day, and an original one. One does not witness this every day, a 50 year old sterile canadian oilfield worker that becomes a father of a little baby in Angola and take full responsibility of it. After the fun stories of how he heard the first cry of his baby and almost killed the staff that was preventing him to kiss his son (you have to see him play that moment it is priceless), we had drinks and all emotions we needed. Back to normal days now now, he starts to realise all the complications of having a foreign son in Angola. Angola doesn't allow it's own citizen to have much possibilities out of being angolan. So even choosing the name is becoming a fight, that is the first of his numerous fight he will have with this country. He wants to give him a first and last canadian name, with the middle being angolan. You can understand that as he will probably be more canadian than angolan, but however, the problems are already arising for this middle age man... Let us see what will happen to him later on these weeks.

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