So that's where I stay so far... 18th of January I signed the proposal for our new apartment, extremely nice little nest in Botafogo (cerca 110m2). Yesterday I had the interview, the first one with the bank to fill the loan papers. After coming into the bank with about 35kg worth of photocopies of all sorts (salary statements, marriage certificate, blood type, colour of my boxers... they are very thorough!!). Inspection is made a couple of times to make sure all documents are correct and I doubled check a couple of weeks ago already and I was sorted so that part is supposed to be w/o any problems. I have to say at that stage that we already sent our contribution to the current landlord (15% of the value of the place) and if we cannot honour the rest we were already bound by contract so we'd loose the money (I realised that it was not the smartest thing I did during my short life). Bref, the loan has to go on... so I thought, because you see here banks are very, but very rigid. And amongst the rigids you have Caixa Economica, the so-rigid bank that would make look a porn star like he needs viagra (interpretations are free at that stage...). As I got married (well yes, if some of you did not know, that very blog saw me single, in relation and now married... just need now to be engaged to have things done in a normal-ish- way) I could fill in a permanent visa form. Like in Mother France, brasilian police is very thorough when checking that you are really married and not an illegal french immigrant getting away from the floods, civil war and pandemias ongoing in France as we all know (so as to speak I happen to be illegal in this country for a little while...clandestino!!). Process to get the visa granted can take over a year and during that period you receive a "pedido" or a demand form, which is renewable every 6 months, but has a value of permanent visa because you are unrestricted to the 90 days tourist visas or business (tourists can stay up to 180 days in a row, after that they have to pay a daily fine and possibly not coming back before 6 months, to zero the yearly day count), Where was I now....permanent(ish) visa yes. That little animal sitting on my passport, for not being permanent, was not enough for the (porn) rigid bank to accept my loan application. Even though I told them they could have check on that a couple of weeks ago and they always said it was ok till now, that did not ease up neither my loan application nor my anxiousness when I thought I could loose my money (that I nicely gave to the landlord...). So now I had 2 problem, a loan not accepted and an unhappy wife... from the frying pan to the fire!! But Bahia's women are so resourceful that she found out from a friend, foreigner living in the country (so many of them!!!), that another bank, european HSBC, would accept my situation... the bank was not so (pornly) stiff. In the afternoon I had the loan rep on the line cheerrrrrring with joy and delight of our future partnership in a 10.5% annual loan for a house (in France 4% is considered criminal). Consider brasilian banking system like it was in the 80s before Mitterand came into power till about mid term of the first mandate: a rip. But here I go, second step of the buying process. Hopefully before May we'll move in
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