Dire que je suis resté près de 2 mois dans la chaudière d´une bombe à retardement qui a sauté 15 jours après mon départ... Ceci me guerrit totalement de l´Afrique... je suis désolé pour mes amis africain et les personnes qui puissent lire ce post, mais je n´ai aucune intention d´y retourner. Mis à part un pays ou 2 (Namibie, Botswana ou Afrique du Sud pour tourisme strictement!!) je ne me sens pas capable de retourner là-bas. Mon retour au Brésil s´est fait sans encombre il est vrai et des aléas de la vie se sont mis en place. Ma prochaine location sera maintenant Rio de Janeiro. J´ai cependant perdu mes dents longues et mon envie de monter jusqu´an haut que j´avais quand j´ai commencé, car je ne vois plus quelle est la relation entre l´effort à fournir et le prix à payer. Tous mes amis qui ont quitté cette entreprise m´ont avoué être mieux là ou ils sont, mais cependant ma compagnie semble me démontrer une volonté forte de me garder en son sein. Je me sens cependant encore lésé, parfois une impression qu´ils ne me disent pas toute la vérité pour pouvoir me garder ou me faire faire ce qu´ils veulent que je fasse. La sensation de manipulation est assez gênante et dernièrement je me bats entre 2 volontés distinctes qui sont de rester près des miens mais aussi de rester dans ce pays que j´aime (je suis très amoureux du Brésil, de ma brésilienne aussi). En direct de Salvador, un dimanche nuageux (c´est l´hiver ici... le mois de septembre)...
Thinking I staid 2 months in the lion´s den that jumped out 15 days after I left leaves me very worried and completely cured of a willing to work in Africa... I do apologise to all my african mates but I really cannot think of going back there. Out of 2-3 countries (Namibia, Botswana, South Africa for tourism purposes only!!) I don´t think I´ll be capable of going back there. My way back to Brasil was without problems, though life´s facts came around and did disturb quite a bit. My new location will be Rio de Janeiro but I lost my hunger to rise to the top I had when I just started, I just do not see anymore the relation between the effort to deliver and the price to pay. All my friends that quit the company say they are happier where they are, but at the same time my company proved me that they wanted to keep me within. Nevertheless I do sometimes feel like I´m being played with, sometimes they hide the whole picture to be able to dispose of me the way they want. Feeling manipulated is a disturbing sensation. and on top of that I have to fight internally between 2 distincts feelings which are to stay close to my folks and staying within this counrty that I do cherish (I do feel passionate about Brasil and in love with my brasilian babe). From Salvador with love on a cloudy sunday (it´s winter here, September rains!!)
Thinking I staid 2 months in the lion´s den that jumped out 15 days after I left leaves me very worried and completely cured of a willing to work in Africa... I do apologise to all my african mates but I really cannot think of going back there. Out of 2-3 countries (Namibia, Botswana, South Africa for tourism purposes only!!) I don´t think I´ll be capable of going back there. My way back to Brasil was without problems, though life´s facts came around and did disturb quite a bit. My new location will be Rio de Janeiro but I lost my hunger to rise to the top I had when I just started, I just do not see anymore the relation between the effort to deliver and the price to pay. All my friends that quit the company say they are happier where they are, but at the same time my company proved me that they wanted to keep me within. Nevertheless I do sometimes feel like I´m being played with, sometimes they hide the whole picture to be able to dispose of me the way they want. Feeling manipulated is a disturbing sensation. and on top of that I have to fight internally between 2 distincts feelings which are to stay close to my folks and staying within this counrty that I do cherish (I do feel passionate about Brasil and in love with my brasilian babe). From Salvador with love on a cloudy sunday (it´s winter here, September rains!!)
2 commentaires:
oi amigo tudo bem?
Ta no brasil de novo? A bonnie ta indo no Rio daqui uns dias.
Aqui no Atelier de la Gare sao as "émeutes bretonnes" com um artiste muito bom um franco-Gabonais David nal-vad.
Da uma olhada www.latelierdelagare56.com
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