me and my thousands buddies
Well, lately I've been sharing myself with some thousands of buddies running around, doing the "fuck around". It's something that's tricky to experience, cos if you're not aware of it you dont no they're here and hese buddies have a tendancy to vote you out. Fortunatelly for most of my readers they never met with my buddies. Like Us they are many different types of buddies, many of them not clearly seen yet. These buddies also reflect our society's mentality, and are used by Us against poor countries that cannot afford to get the mean to stop them sharing Us with Ourselves.... I know it's confusing, and also I could have wrotten it in french, but I've got some concern over some of my people caring about me and getting scared too quickly sometimes. But U cannot stop people caring for U can't U? Also U do not want to. So I used the mean to get these buddies stopping sharing my body, cos I'm eventually the only one to own this body, and the only one that know how to use it... they would desroy it, and actually they do not look for something else. My body became a mean of multiplication, and if I didn't react quickly enough, they would have got rid of me. I'm still feeling dizzy though, the remedy has to be taken for 7 days along with paracetamol, and you must eat, drink and sleep a lot in order to this anti malaria treatment to work... bloody buddies almost quicked me out of my body.
If you want a clear read of what malaria is (french link here), otherwise try malaria and Plasmodium falciparum in Google, I'm amazed to know now the reproduction cycle of these buddies. So much for a so small one. Chapeau
3 commentaires:
alex pitié , en francais aussi .....
d'autres sujets viendront en français aussi, promis
Mon cher ami,
bonjour.J'avoue que ton anglais est hyper corriace.Je suis de ceux là qui attende tjrs la version française de ton texto.
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